Tuesday 23 January, 2007 Expand to read article belowConnecting PIC® MCU People with PIC® MCU Resources. That's what www.mcuspace.com is all about.
This website was launched on 1/15/07 and is directed at the PIC® MCU programming community and anyone who is interested in PIC® Microcontrollers. Our goal was to sponsor a website where people can go to research and learn about different PIC® MCU products and PIC® MCU tools making it the largest known collection of PIC® MCU resources. It is designed to be an interactive commonplace where all things PIC® MCU related come together and can be compared and rated.
You will see that www.mcuspace.com is a convenient place to obtain useful information on pricing, features, and user comments on a variety of products including Debuggers, Prototyping Boards, Compilers, Programmers, Assemblers/Disassemblers, and Stamps. The pages are set up in a table format with filter options available so that you can narrow your search and locate the perfect product to meet your needs. If you find what you are interested in, just click on the name and you are automatically directed to the best place to find additional information on that product and purchasing information. Or click on the rating and comments to see what real users think of the product before you make a purchase.
Some other features of www.mcuspace.com are Current News Stories that keep you informed about Microchip products and events. There is also " The Featured Site of the Week " which gives you the best rated site for other PIC® MCU information. We have also included a Poll to allow readers to vote and provide customer feedback on their opinions on a series of questions. Of course these features change frequently to keep the most up-to-date information.
This site provides you with every step of information you would need to start and complete a project. We have the basic information to get you started in the right direction, comparison charts to compare different products, and even an application projects page to give you ideas and ways to use your new product. It's a great place to get informed and start your networking with other PIC® MCU users and you can start by stopping by www.mcuspace.com/mcuforum to visit and chat with PIC® MCU people and possibly even start a PIC® MCU party! | Friday 26 January, 2007 Expand to read article belowCCS is committed to answering customer concerns and technical issues. Although phone support is always an option, emailing bug reports to Technical Support will ensure quicker responses and fixes to potential bugs. CCS releases a new version of the compiler approximately every 10 days; to ensure that any new devices, drivers or bugs fixes are immediately available to customers.
**Please note that Technical Support does not monitor the forum; and any bug reports on the forum will not be confirmed or submitted for resolution in the next compiler release.
In an effort to make technical support requests even easier, CCS has developed a new feature in the Version 4.xxx IDE compilers called Technical Support wizard that allows users to quickly and easily submit bug reports or requests for assistance. It can be found by clicking on the Help icon at the top-right of the compiler screen. Customers on maintenance will be given higher priority to their technical issue when using this new feature of Version 4. | Friday 16 March, 2007 Expand to read article belowThe SIOW (Serial Input/Output Monitor) software has been part of the CCS IDE packages. CCS is now offering this software as a stand-alone product to command-line customers. This will aid in testing RS-232 PIC® projects and will help those using the CCS bootloader programs.
In addition, CCS is now offering a license to re-distribute SIOW. This allows compiler users the option to distribute SIOW with their own products.
CCS has packaged the software for unlimited distribution based on a one-year license purchase or individually. This is an excellent way to offer your customers additional functionality to using your software, at an exceptionally low price.
Contact CCS Sales at sales to purchase. | Friday 16 March, 2007 Expand to read article belowCCS has brought back the "classic" IDE menus to Version 4. For those long-time customers that prefer the Windows 98/2000/XP look over the new Windows Vista, you can easily change the IDE back by executing the following:
1. Go to Options tab and choose the Editor Properties icon.
2. Click on Display icon on the left-side of the window.
3. At the bottom of the window, click on Classic Menu under Menu Scheme.
If you have active maintenance, just download the IDE utilities from
Otherwise, contact sales or the following page http://www.ccsinfo.com/renewals.php
to see what maintenance options are available. | Tuesday 29 May, 2007 Expand to read article belowAt the 11th annual Microchip MASTERs conference, CCS will be conducting two training seminars. The Rapid Development (11029CCR) course aims to refine the users fundamental CCS C Compiler skills set, by providing hands-on experience with our compiler, IDE and debugger. This is an ideal course for the new or experienced CCS C Compiler user to become better acquainted with basic compiler technique. The Comprehension of CCS C Compiler (11028CCS) course focuses on mastering advanced compiler functions and the introduction of new features. This course is an excellent follow-up to the Rapid Development seminar and will cover RTOS, addressmod, optimization and troubleshooting techniques. For more detailed class descriptions and scheduled start and end times, please click on the links below:
MASTERs is a highly technical conference hosted by Microchip in an effort to advance the knowledge of Microchip developers. This years MASTERs will be at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge in Phoenix, Arizona. The conference runs August 8 th-11 th 2007. Register today, and be sure to sign up for a CCS class! | Friday 01 June, 2007 Expand to read article belowEmber, a ZigBee™ Alliance member, and CCS are excited to announce the launch of the CCS Development Kit for Wireless applications in conjunction with Microchip PIC® devices. This low cost development platform includes the Ember EM260 ZigBee™ network co-processor and the EmberZnet ZigBee™ stack on CCS prototyping boards to be used with the CCS C Compiler.
The CCS Wireless-Ember ZigBee™ Edition Development Kit enables fast prototyping of ZigBee™ applications. The EM260 integrates an IEEE 802.15.4 radio, a network processor and onboard memory to run a complete ZigBee™ network protocol stack. The EMB260 reduces a product’s size and power consumption with its inexpensive small package size, and twice the wireless range of competitors. For additional information on the Ember EM260 and EmberZnet ZigBee™ stack, click here: www.ember.com.
The CCS development kit will be sold for a limited time at the price of $599 and includes:
- Sink Board (with EM260 module) with the PIC18LF4620
- 2 Battery Boards (with EM260 modules) with the PIC16LF767
- CCS PCWH C Compiler
- In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer
- Exercise Book
- Batteries and cables needed
*(CCS will also be separately re-selling the Ember programmer)
Click through for additional information on the CCS development kit. | Friday 22 June, 2007 Expand to read article belowThe PIC18F67J10 Development Kit is now available at www.ccsinfo.com. The PIC18F67J10 Mini Prototyping Board has a potentiometer, one pushbutton, two RS-232 jacks and a 9-volt battery powering option. Besides the PIC18F67J10 prototyping board, the kit includes all the tools necessary for programming, debugging and developing applications with the Microchip's PIC18F67J10 device. Kit pricing starts at $129.00 without a compiler, but CCS C Compiler software may be added to your order. Board-only pricing from $65.00 is also now available. | Friday 06 July, 2007 Expand to read article belowCCS is thrilled to announce the launch of a new simple Ethernet network integration device which can be embedded into any product or into industrial equipment appropriately named EZ Web Lynx. Essentially, it connects products or equipment to an HTML programmable website with no other protocol language skills needed! The website will allow the user to view and control the equipment status. The user can receive emails from the device in their email inbox, triggered by changes in the state of the pins, which are configured through the easy-to-use EZ Web Lynx IDE.
EZ Web Lynx is available in either 3.3 or 5 volt versions at a very low cost to make implementation to the Ethernet very affordable.
HTML is the only programming language needed to program the on-board website. To find out more about this product and for detailed pricing please go to www.ezweblynx.com or contact us at 262.522.6500. ext 45.
Visit CCS and EZ Web Lynx during the 11th Annual MASTERs Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, August 8-11th.
Check out this product and CCS at the National Manufacturing Week September 25-27th 2007 Booth #5011 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, in Chicago IL. | Tuesday 24 July, 2007 Expand to read article belowCCS has done it again! The PCD is a low cost, quality 24-bit C Compiler for PIC24 MCUs & dsPIC® DSCs. PCD is in the fundamental development period and is now available for sale at www.ccsinfo.com/picc. PCD is offered as a command-line compiler $250, an add-on to an existing PCWH compiler $150, a stand-alone IDE compiler $350, and as a full-version PCWHD compiler $575. Purchase PCD now through September 15, 2007 and get one year of download rights. Must be on active maintenance to purchase upgrade or add-on.
The compiler includes peripheral libraries for: SPI, I2C, UART, RTC, Input Capture and PWMs. PCD includes new Built-in Functions and examples aid in getting a project started.
CCS will also be offering prototyping boards to aid in PIC24 MCU and dsPIC® DSC development. Now available is the DSP Starter Development Kit featuring a dsPIC30F2010 prototyping board. The DSP Starter Development Kit is a general purpose development board including a potentiometer, a pushbutton, three LEDs, and RS-232 level Converter, an ICD connector and header to access the dsPIC30F2010 chip. CCS will also offer two PIC24 Development Kits and DSP Analog/Audio Development Kits by the end of the year. The DSP Analog/Audio board will demonstrate the DSP features of the dsPIC® by providing an example audio conditioning board. Kits maybe purchased with a PCD compiler or as a board-only option.
To learn more about the PCD Compiler and development tools, please visit ccsinfo.com for pricing or contact sales at (262) 522-6500, ext. 35. | Thursday 26 July, 2007 Expand to read article belowCCS would like to thank our long time customers for their loyalty to our C Compiler. We pride ourselves on being the best in the industry, delivering a quality Compiler for Microchip PIC® MCUs and dsPIC® DSCs, as well as continuous low cost solutions. Over the past five years we have maintained a steady price point, however a price increase is an inevitable reality. As of September 1, 2007, we will be changing the prices on both CCS software and hardware product lines. Please feel free to check our website, www.ccsinfo.com/BPC or contact sales at (262) 522-6500, ext. 35 for up-to-date price lists and product information.
CCS engineers have been very busy creating a plethora of new and exciting development kits for the professional and hobbyist alike.
We are happy to announce the arrival of:
Coming Soon:
- DSP Analog/Audio Development Kit
- PIC24 Development Kits
CCS vows to continue offering innovative technology at a fraction of the price of the competitors without sacrificing service or support. |