CCS News

Rolling out in Version 5.....Add Flow Control and Buffering to Serial Routines

Monday 08 October, 2012

The next new item to try when Version 5 Beta is released, is the powerful #use rs232() library that has added transmit buffering, receive buffering, and flow control. While the API for the serial library remains unchanged ( getc(), putc(), printf() ), existing code using this API allows for buffering and flow control by simply modifying the #use rs232() parameters. A user may specify:

- size of transmit buffer
- size of receive buffer
- interrupt usage or no interrupt usage
- pin for CTS and pin for RTS

Click through to: Version 5
to review a usage example of the #use rs232() and additional details on each new usage. Additional configurations and control options will also be available in Version 5. Feel free to contact us with any comments or questions about the serial library upgrades.....(

Want to be a beta tester* for Version 5.... or make suggestions on what you would like to see in Version thru to the above link!

*All customers with active maintenance are eligible to apply for V.5 betas.
All customers with active maintenance when V.5 is released will receive V.5 at no additional cost.

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