EZ App Lynx Android Publishing Services

Sku: 55320-1635

In stock (ships immediately)

The publishing service will provide you with a version of the EZ App Lynx app that is rebranded with your name and company information. The following information can be changed in the branded app:

  • The name of the app.
  • The name of the company/publisher.
  • The icon of the app.
  • The company logo displayed within the app.
  • The trademark information within the app.
  • The contents of the help screen within the app.

Upon completion of this service, CCS will provide you with an .APK file. It is the customer's to publish this .APK file to the Google Play store using Google's Android Developer Console using their Google Developer account. This process is summarized by Google here (https://play.google.com/about/howplayworks/?section=about-google-play&content=overview), but CCS will also provide assistance in doing this.

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