Following the success of the Version 4.0 Beta Release, CCS is proud to announce that the Version 4.0 C Compiler is now available to consumers. Today's release sets a new standard for C Compiler software, taking ease-of-use and improved function to a whole new level. CCS invites you to experience Version 4.0.
Version 4.0 includes exactly the features you've been waiting for in a next generation C Compiler. The new-look Version 4 IDE enables a set of powerful tools and wizards providing the greatest level of ease in your project management. C-Aware Editor, Flow Chart Editor , Document Generator, C-Metrics Calculator, and the updated project wizard are just a few of the tools allowing the user to perform advanced code generation in a logical visual environment. Help file and mouse-over-tool tips, as well as the Tech Support Wizard, assist developers during all phases of the development process. And the new Download Manager helps keep your software up-to-date automatically.
Version 4.0 enhances your ability to produce more compact, efficient C code with integrated features and functions, and the upgraded RS232 and I2C Libraries which now include SPI libraries to support any general purpose. Version 4.0 is overall faster in the completion of operations, quickening the compilation process through the new Relocatable Objects/Linker feature, and the Fixed Point Decimal function also provides a dramatic speed boost. Version 4.0 marks an increase in the Compiler's flexibility in the handling of constant data through Pointers to Constants, and the Compiler is now supportive of new data types, bit arrays, and default and variable parameters providing a more complete C Compiler solution to your development needs. To learn more about Version 4.0, please visit the following website:
Version 4.0 is designed for the optimal, efficient development of C Code for Microchip PIC® Microcontrollers. Support for PIC24, dsPIC30XXXX, and dsPIC33XXXX Microcontrollers will be available in the near future. You can expect many more new features to appear in Version 4.0 over the next several months as CCS completes testing on those features.
Please report any problems or comments to, and expect a number of releases over the next couple of weeks to address all reported issues. Version 4.0 printed manuals will begin shipping on August 23, 2006.