Frequently Asked Questions

How can I use MPLAB® ICD 2, MPLAB ® ICD 3, MPLAB ® ICD 4, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 3, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 4 and MPLAB® REAL ICE™ with CCS Compiler?

MPLAB® ICD 2, MPLAB® ICD 3, MPLAB ® ICD 4, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 3, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 4 and MPLAB® REAL ICE™ Support

How MPLAB® ICD 2, MPLAB® ICD 3, MPLAB ® ICD 4, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 3, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 4 and MPLAB® REAL ICE™ works with our Compiler: Microchip's MPLAB® ICD 2, MPLAB® ICD 3, MPLAB ® ICD 4, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 3, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 4 and MPLAB® REAL ICE™ can now be integrated with the CCS IDE Compiler. In the past, our IDE Compilers (PCW, PCWH, PCWHD and PCDIDE) only supported the ICD-U40 or ICD-S40 in-circuit debugger/programmer, but now users can seamlessly utilize the CCS windows environment with the MPLAB® ICD 2, MPLAB® ICD 3, MPLAB ® ICD 4, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 3, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 4 and MPLAB® REAL ICE™. All CCS Command-Line Compilers (PCB, PCM, PCH and PCD) can already be integrated with MPLAB® ICD 2, MPLAB® ICD 3, MPLAB ® ICD 4, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 3, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 4 and MPLAB® REAL ICE™.

CCS IDE Compiler and MPLAB® ICD 2, MPLAB® ICD 3, MPLAB ® ICD 4, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 3, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 4 or MPLAB® REAL ICE™ Integration:

  1. For MPLAB® ICD 2, MPLAB® ICD 3, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 3 and MPLAB® REAL ICE™, you will need version 4.064 or higher of the CCS IDE Compiler (PCW, PCWH, PCDIDE or PCWHD). For MPLAB ® ICD 4 and MPLAB ® PICkit™ 4, you will need version 5.082 or higher of the CCS IDE Compiler or version 5.052 or higher of CCSLOAD.
  2. You will also need to download the MPLAB® ICD 2, MPLAB® ICD 3, MPLAB ® ICD 4, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 3, MPLAB ® PICkit™ 4 and MPLAB® REAL ICE™ interface module from the CCS Downloads Page. Note: If you do not have MPLAB® already installed, you will need to do so by visiting
  3. The debug environment is built-in to the C-Aware Real-Time Debugger. Once the hardware is connected to your PC, select the programmer/debugger you would like to use from the "Debug Configure" option on the IDE menu tab.

C-Aware IDE Demo
Embedded C Learners Kit
C Workshop Compiler