Customer Testimonials

"...the best there is in the industry."
"Your compiler is the best there is in the industry. I have been a fan for over 10 years and I'm still amazed at the level of code size generated, ease of use...keep up your good work"

" new code is flowing nicely."
"I have to give credit for the MCHP TCP/IP Stack conversion done by CCS...I got it working on a PICDEM.net2 in a matter of a couple of hours... and my new code is flowing nicely."

"...I went from 80% usage of PROM space to 49%."
"When I did that conversion from <redacted> to CCS doing JUST ENOUGH to get it to compile, I went from 80% usage of PROM space to 49%. I didn't change any of the typedefs from <redacted> (that were set for 16bit INTs) to CCS. JUST ENOUGH to compile and I got back that much PROM space."

"...I got back about 30% of my program space..."
"...when I converted it to CCS because of what a pain some of the <redacted> quirks gave me, I got back about 30% of my program space and was able to implement all my features without changing the micro to a bigger device."

"...a lot of nice optimization in there."
"I've looked at the ASM code CCS generates and in a lot of cases, it's not too bad. I've done my share of hand-tuning ASM in CCS for speed -- but not too often. They've got a lot of nice optimization in there."

"...amazed at what this compiler can do."
"I am an asm guy and I am amazed at what this compiler can do."

" easier to code with..."
"One reason for using CCS over <redacted>, although <redacted> is free, is that it is easier to code with and it has a great support base!"

"...efficient way to output data..."
"The feature I love about CCS compiler is very dynamic and efficient way to output data using well know 'printf'."

C-Aware IDE Demo
Embedded C Learners Kit
EZ App Lynx