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menu structure with 4x20 LCD

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Joined: 31 Oct 2016
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menu structure with 4x20 LCD
PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 9:57 am     Reply with quote

With great help from the members of this forum I managed to translate the code found here: to CCS. I do recommend watching those tutorials, because the author really explains it well. It is a menu structure used with 4x20 LCD. It uses three buttons, up, down and enter to browse the menu. Here is the code:

30.6.2019 added "floating header", where the header of the selected menu group always stays on top. Added some more functions behind menus.


//#define FLOATING_HEADER 0                  // menu header disappears with browsing
#define FLOATING_HEADER 1                    // menu header always stays on top
void strromcpy(char *dest, rom char *source);                                                   
void LcdWriteStringRom (int8 x, int8 y, rom int8 *LCD_Data, int8 clear_line);       
void show_menu (void);
void browse_menu (void);
void start(void);
void dummy(void);                                               
void ClearMinus (void);
void Blank (void);
void ExitMenu(void);
void DisplaySelectedOption(void);
// functions for menus and sub-menus. Note they all start with 1 and the function for last one is always return up, so it is not needed
void Main1(void);
void Main2(void);
void Main3(void);                                     
void Sub101(void);
void Sub102(void);         
void Sub201(void);                         
void Sub202(void);
void Sub203(void);
void Sub204(void);
void Sub205(void);
void Sub206(void);

int8 ROM_String_Length = 0;
char ROM_String_Copy[21]; 
#define ROW_LENGTH 20                     // uncomment for your display size, TBD for displays other than 4x20
//#define ROW_LENGTH 16                           

int8 line_cnt_g = 1;                      // first line on LCD is 1, different than tutorial
int8 from_g = 0;                          // declare global copies of variables from show_menu to be able to see tham all the time with debugger                               
int8 till_g = 0;                                                   
int8 temp_g = 0;                          // calculate the span of addresses for the current menu             
int8 Intermediate_g = 0;                                                                                 
int8 Position = 0;
int8 Exit = 0;
int8 FloatingHeaderAddress = 0;           // this is the address of the first entry of the current menu, i.e. header
                                          // that can be used for a "non disappearing header" style of the menu                                           
// menu options texts                           
rom char menu_000[] = " [MAIN MENU -0]";     // 0                       
rom char menu_001[] = " main_001-1";         // 1
rom char menu_002[] = " main_002-2";         // 2               
rom char menu_003[] = " main_003-3";         // 3
rom char menu_004[] = " EXIT MENU-4";        // 4
// sub-menu 1 text                                             
rom char menu_100[] = " [SUB-MENU1 -5]";     // 5                               
rom char menu_101[] = " sub_101-6";          // 6
rom char menu_102[] = " sub_102-7";          // 7
rom char menu_103[] = " SUB-MENU1 EXIT -8";  // 8
// sub-menu 2 text                                                     
rom char menu_200[] = " [SUB-MENU2 -9]";     // 9
rom char menu_201[] = " sub_201-10";         // 10
rom char menu_202[] = " sub_202-11";         // 11                                           
rom char menu_203[] = " sub_203-12";         // 12
rom char menu_204[] = " sub_204-13";         // 13               
rom char menu_205[] = " sub_205-14";         // 14                                   
rom char menu_206[] = " sub_206-15";         // 15                                               
rom char menu_207[] = " SUB-MENU2 EXIT";     // 16
// ******************** END MENU TEXT *****************************************
static unsigned int8 selected = 1;           // indicates selected menu item. Start with 1, because we don't want to pick the header
// every element of the array must have all elements defined in the prototype: text, number of elements, up, down, enter and function (can be null)
MenuEntry Menu[] = {                         // at least one function must be defined, else it doesn't compile
   {menu_000, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0},                // text 0; 5 options, up button menu_000, down button menu_000, enter menu_000, no function attached - non browsable
   {menu_001, 5, 1, 2, 6, 0},                // text 1; 5 options, up button menu_001, down button menu_002, enter sub-menu_101, no function attached
   {menu_002, 5, 1, 3, 10, 0},               // text 2; 5 options, up button menu_001, down button menu_003, enter sub-menu_201, no function attached
   {menu_003, 5, 2, 4, 3, 0},                // text 3; 5 options, up button menu_002, down button menu_004, enter menu_003, no function attached
   {menu_004, 5, 3, 4, 4, ExitMenu},         // text 4; 5 options, up button menu_003, down button menu_004 {no roll-over}, enter menu_004, execute ExitMenu function
// sub-menu for menu_001                                                                               
   {menu_100, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0},                // text 5; 4 options, non browsable
   {menu_101, 4, 6, 7, 6, dummy},            // text 6; 4 options, up button stay in menu_101, down button menu_102, enter menu_101, execute dummy function
   {menu_102, 4, 6, 8, 7, Sub102},           // text 7; 4 options, up button menu_101, down button menu_103, enter menu_102, no function attached
   {menu_103, 4, 7, 8, 1, Blank},            // text 8; 4 options, up button menu_102, down button stay in menu_103, enter menu_001, execute blank function   
// sub-menu for menu_002                                                                           
   {menu_200, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0},                // text 9;  main menu, non-browsable           
   {menu_201, 8, 10, 11, 10, Sub201},        // text 10; main menu, 8 options, up button menu_201, down button menu_202, enter menu_201, no function attached
   {menu_202, 8, 10, 12, 11, Sub202},        // text 11; main menu, 8 options, up button menu_201, down button menu_203, enter menu_202, no function attached
   {menu_203, 8, 11, 13, 12, Sub203},        // text 12; main menu, 8 options, up button menu_202, down button menu_204, enter menu_203, no function attached                                             
   {menu_204, 8, 12, 14, 13, Sub204},        // text 13; main menu, 8 options, up button menu_203, down button menu_205, enter menu_204, no function attached           
   {menu_205, 8, 13, 15, 14, Sub205},        // text 14; main menu, 8 options, up button menu_204, down button menu_206, enter menu_205, no function attached
   {menu_206, 8, 14, 16, 15, Sub206},        // text 15; main menu, 8 options, up button menu_205, down button menu_207, enter menu_206, no function attached
   {menu_207, 8, 15, 16, 2, 0}               // text 16; main menu, 8 options, up button menu_206, down button menu_207, enter menu_002, no function attached                                             
// ********************* END MENU  DEFINITIONS ********************************                                                                 
// ****************************************************************************
// functions
// ******************* COPY STRING FROM ROM TO RAM ****************************                   
void strromcpy(char *dest, rom char *source)
   while (*source != '\0')                             
       *(dest++) = *(source++);                                   

// ****************** WRITE A STRING ON LCD FROM ROM **************************
void LcdWriteStringRom (int8 x, int8 y, rom int8 *LCD_Data, int8 clear_line){
   int i = 0;
   strromcpy(ROM_String_Copy, LCD_Data);                 // copy string from ROM to RAM
   printf(lcd_putc, "%s", ROM_String_Copy);              // display on LCD (assumes 20 characters)
      ROM_String_Length = strlen(ROM_String_Copy) + x;   // get the length of the string, add the offset at the beginning. Otherwise you go over the length of a row
      ROM_String_Length = ROW_LENGTH - ROM_String_Length;// calculate how many are missing till the end of the row of 20 characters
      while(i <=  ROM_String_Length){                    // if clear line is 1, fill the line with blanks
         lcd_putc(" ");
// ******************** SHOW THE MENU ON THE LCD ******************************
/*  This function formats the menu. It uses fixed third row for the selected option.
Because of this we split the formatting in three parts:
-top of the menu - selected item can be also on first or second row TOP + 2 spaces
-middle of the menu - selected item is in the third row
-bottom of the menu - selected item can sink to the fourth row
void show_menu (void){
   if(selected > 13){
   int8 line_cnt = 1;                              // first line on LCD is 1, different than tutorial made with hi-tech that uses 0,0
   int8 from = 0;                                                         
   int8 till = 0;                                                                                   
   int8 temp = 0;                                       
   int8 Intermediate = 0;
// here we use num_menupoints defined in our struct to calculate how many options
// are available in the current menu and with that where in the menu we are with
// the selected option: top, middle or bottom
   while(till <= selected){
      till = till + Menu[till].num_menupoints;
//      till += Menu[till].num_menupoints;           // calculate end position of the current menu
   from = till - Menu[selected].num_menupoints;
   till--;                                            // subtract 1 because numbering starts with 0
   till_g = till;
   temp = from;
   temp_g = temp;
   from_g = from;
   FloatingHeaderAddress = from;                      // this is the address of the first entry of the current menu, i.e. header
                                                      // that can be used for a "non disappearing header" style of the menu

// we are in the middle of menu
  if ((selected >= (from + 2)) && (selected <=  ( till - 1))){          // my selection >= top+2 and < till - 1               
      from = selected - 2 ;                                                                           
      till = from + 3;
      till_g = till;
      from = from + FLOATING_HEADER;
      from_g = from;
      Position = 2;
// floating menu style
         LcdWriteStringRom (2, line_cnt, Menu[FloatingHeaderAddress].text, 1);     // write first row, header
         line_cnt_g = line_cnt;     
      for(from; from <= till; from ++){
         LcdWriteStringRom (2, line_cnt, Menu[from].text, 1);     // first column is just for indicator!!!
         line_cnt_g = line_cnt;
      ClearMinus ();       
      lcd_gotoxy(1,3);                                           // mark selected menu item
      lcd_putc ("-");       
  }    // if brace
// we are within top + 2 spaces                   
     if(selected < (from + 2)){
         Position = 1;

        till = from + 3;
        till_g = till;
        from = from + FLOATING_HEADER;
         from_g = from;
// floating menu style       
            LcdWriteStringRom (2, line_cnt, Menu[FloatingHeaderAddress].text, 1);     // write first row, header
            line_cnt_g = line_cnt;     
         for(from; from <= till; from ++){
            LcdWriteStringRom (2, line_cnt, Menu[from].text, 1); // first column is just for indicator!!!
         Intermediate = (selected - temp + 1);                 // not really needed, can be direct in lcd function
         Intermediate_g = Intermediate;
         lcd_gotoxy(1, Intermediate);                          // mark selected menu item
         lcd_putc ("-");                           
      }   // if                     
// bottom of the menu                   
      if(selected == till){                                    // if the last item on the menu is selected it will be on the fourth row
         from = till - 3 + FLOATING_HEADER;                    // and on LCD we need last string and another three above it
         from_g = from;
         Position = 3;                                                                                                               
// floating menu style         
            LcdWriteStringRom (2, line_cnt, Menu[FloatingHeaderAddress].text, 1);     // write first row, header
            line_cnt_g = line_cnt;     
         for(from; from <= till; from ++)
         {   LcdWriteStringRom (2, line_cnt, Menu[from].text, 1); // first column stays empty for indicator
         ClearMinus ();
      }  // if
   }     // else
}        // function
// ****************************************************************************

void browse_menu (void){
      Exit = 0;
// de-bounce is done in interrupt routine
      if(UP_switch_is_down == 1){
         UP_switch_is_down = 0;
         selected = Menu[selected].up;
      if(DOWN_switch_is_down == 1){
         DOWN_switch_is_down = 0;       
         selected = Menu[selected].down;
      if(ENTER_switch_is_down == 1){
         ENTER_switch_is_down = 0;
         if(Menu[selected].fp != 0){
//            Menu[selected].fp();              // original, not working
            *Menu[selected].fp();               // added by PCM Programmer
            selected = Menu[selected].enter;
            selected = 1;                       // make sure the entry point to the menu is always 1
   while(!Exit);                                // you need some kind of stop condition to exit menus
}  // function

// ****************************************************************************
void start(void){                   
// ****************************************************************************
void dummy(void)                                             
//   printf("Hello World\n\r");
   lcd_putc("Working, press ENTER");               
   while(!ENTER_switch_is_down);                // stay here until enter key is hit
   ENTER_switch_is_down = 0;
// ****************************************************************************             
void ClearMinus (void){             
   int8 i = 1;
   for (i = 1; i < 5; i++){
    lcd_gotoxy(1,i);                            // mark selected menu item
    lcd_putc (" ");   
// ****************************************************************************
void Blank (void){
// ****************************************************************************
void ExitMenu(void){
   Exit = 1;                                    // signal to exit menu

// functions for menus and sub-menus. Note they all start with 1 and the function for last one is always return up, so it is not needed
void Main1(void){
   printf("Working, press ENTER");               
   while(!ENTER_switch_is_down);                // stay here until enter key is hit
   ENTER_switch_is_down = 0;
void Main2(void){
   lcd_putc("Working, press ENTER");               
   while(!ENTER_switch_is_down);                // stay here until enter key is hit
   ENTER_switch_is_down = 0;
void Main3(void){
   lcd_putc("Working, press ENTER");               
   while(!ENTER_switch_is_down);                // stay here until enter key is hit
   ENTER_switch_is_down = 0;
void Sub101(void){
   lcd_putc("Working, press ENTER");               
   while(!ENTER_switch_is_down);                // stay here until enter key is hit
   ENTER_switch_is_down = 0;
void Sub102(void){
   DisplaySelectedOption();                     // display which menu option was selected
void Sub201(void){
   DisplaySelectedOption();                     // display which menu option was selected
void Sub202(void){
   DisplaySelectedOption();                     // display which menu option was selected
void Sub203(void){
   DisplaySelectedOption();                     // display which menu option was selected
void Sub204(void){
   DisplaySelectedOption();                     // display which menu option was selected
void Sub205(void){
   DisplaySelectedOption();                     // display which menu option was selected
void Sub206(void){
   DisplaySelectedOption();                     // display which menu option was selected

void DisplaySelectedOption(void){
   printf(lcd_putc, "Selected menu = %u", selected);               
   while(!ENTER_switch_is_down);                // stay here until enter key is hit
   ENTER_switch_is_down = 0;


typedef void(*_fptr)(void);      // added by PCM Programmer
typedef rom struct MenuStructure{
   rom char  *text;
   unsigned char num_menupoints;
   unsigned char up;
   unsigned char down;
   unsigned char enter;
//   void (*fp)(void);           // original, not working
   _fptr fp;                      // added by PCM Programmer

and a sample project:


#include    <menu.h>
#include    <string.h>
#include    <i2c_Flex_LCD_driver.c>       //LCD driver 

#define  UP_switch   PIN_A3
#define  DOWN_switch   PIN_A2
#define  ENTER_switch   PIN_A1
int8 UP_switch_is_down = FALSE;           // button flags                   
int8 DOWN_switch_is_down = FALSE;                     
int8 ENTER_switch_is_down = FALSE;

#include    <menu_structure.h>
#include    <menu_structure.c>                                           
unsigned int8 COUNTER = 0;

int8 GO = 0;                                 // GO flag, indicates start of main loop
int8 Tmp = 0;
int8 Heartbeat = 0; 

#define FOSC getenv("CLOCK")  // Get PIC oscillator frequency
// check if it is below or equal to 20MHz
#if(FOSC < 21000000)
  #define TIMER0_PRELOAD (256 - (FOSC/4/256/100))
  #error Oscillator frequency is too high:  FOSC

#define  LED1      PIN_D3           
#define  LED2      PIN_D4
#define  LED3      PIN_D5

int8 Cntr = 0;                             

// ****************************************************************************
// function declarations
// ****************************************************************************
void timer0_init(void);


// ****************************************************************************
void timer0_isr(void){     
   if(Cntr == 5){                                          // toggle led every 100ms
      Cntr = 0;   
// debounce   
   int8 active_state_UP, previuos_state_UP,                       
        active_state_DOWN, previuos_state_DOWN,
        active_state_ENTER, previuos_state_ENTER;
   set_rtcc(TIMER0_PRELOAD);                                // Reload Timer0 for 10ms rate
   active_state_UP = input(UP_switch);                      // Read the button
   active_state_DOWN = input(DOWN_switch);                  // Read the button
   active_state_ENTER= input(ENTER_switch);                 // Read the button
   if((previuos_state_UP == 1) && (active_state_UP == 0)){
      UP_switch_is_down = TRUE;                             // raise "BUTTON PRESED" flag. Must be cleared in software.
//      output_toggle(LED1);

   if((previuos_state_DOWN == 1) && (active_state_DOWN == 0)){                       
      DOWN_switch_is_down = TRUE;                           // raise "BUTTON PRESED" flag                         
//      output_toggle(LED2);

   if((previuos_state_ENTER == 1) && (active_state_ENTER == 0)){                       
      ENTER_switch_is_down = TRUE;                          // raise "BUTTON PRESED" flag
//      output_toggle(LED3);             
   previuos_state_UP = active_state_UP;                     // Save current value for next time
   previuos_state_DOWN = active_state_DOWN;                 // Save current value for next time
   previuos_state_ENTER = active_state_ENTER;               // Save current value for next time
// ****************************************************************************                                                                                                                                                     
#INT_TIMER1                                  // cca. 131ms overflow
void  TIMER1_isr(void) {                             
   if(COUNTER == 16){                 
      COUNTER = 0;                     
      GO = 1;
      Heartbeat++;                           // display a changing symbol on the  LCD to see it is working
// ****************************************************************************
// ****************************************************************************
void main() {
   setup_timer_1(T1_INTERNAL|T1_DIV_BY_2);      //131 ms overflow
   lcd_init();                                  // init LCD   

      lcd_putc("Press ENTER for menu");
         ENTER_switch_is_down = 0;
         browse_menu ();             
   }        // while true
}           // main 

// ****************************************************************************
// ****************************************************************************

void timer0_init(void)
   setup_timer_0(T0_INTERNAL | T0_DIV_256 | T0_8_BIT);


#include <18F4550.h>
#device ADC=10
//#device PASS_STRINGS = IN_RAM    //copy all the strings to RAM to allow access with pointer
#FUSES NOWDT                    //No Watch Dog Timer
#device ICD=TRUE
#use delay(internal, clock=8000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,parity=N,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7,bits=8,stream=RS232,errors)
#use i2c(Master,Slow,sda=PIN_B0,scl=PIN_B1, force_hw)

Again, many thanks to the author of the tutorial.

Last edited by PrinceNai on Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:50 am; edited 3 times in total

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:16 am     Reply with quote

There was a mistake in the code, per Mr. Alan's suggestion edited in the original post.

Last edited by PrinceNai on Sat Jun 29, 2019 12:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

Joined: 12 Nov 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:21 am     Reply with quote

You know that you can edit your own post and do the correction there.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 12:45 pm     Reply with quote

I do now :-). Thanks.
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